
Client Configuration

You can configure certain behaviours when creating a SwaggerClient.

bravado and bravado-core use the same config dict. The full documentation for bravado-core config keys is available too.

from bravado.client import SwaggerClient, SwaggerFormat

my_super_duper_format = SwaggerFormat(...)

config = {
    # === bravado config ===

    # Determines what is returned by the service call.
    'also_return_response': False,

    # === bravado-core config ====

    #  validate incoming responses
    'validate_responses': True,

    # validate outgoing requests
    'validate_requests': True,

    # validate the swagger spec
    'validate_swagger_spec': True,

    # Use models (Python classes) instead of dicts for #/definitions/{models}
    'use_models': True,

    # List of user-defined formats
    'formats': [my_super_duper_format],


client = SwaggerClient.from_url(..., config=config)
Config key Type Default Description
also_return_response boolean False
Determines what is returned by the service call.
Specifically, the return value of HttpFuture.result().
When False, the swagger result is returned.
When True, the tuple (swagger result, http response)
is returned.

Per-request Configuration

Configuration can also be applied on a per-request basis by passing in _request_options to the service call.

client = SwaggerClient.from_url(...)
request_options = { ... }, _request_options=request_options).result()
Config key Type Default Description
connect_timeout float N/A
TCP connect timeout in seconds. This is passed along to the
http_client when making a service call.
headers dict N/A
Dict of http headers to to send with the outgoing request.
response_callbacks list of callables []
List of callables that are invoked after the incoming
response has been validated and unmarshalled but before being
returned to the calling client. This is useful for client
decorators that would like to hook into the post-receive
event. The callables are executed in the order they appear
in the list.
Two parameters are passed to each callable:
- incoming_response of type bravado_core.response.IncomingResponse
- operation of type bravado_core.operation.Operation
timeout float N/A
TCP idle timeout in seconds. This is passed along to the
http_client when making a service call.
use_msgpack boolean False
If a msgpack serialization is desired for the response. This
will add a Accept: application/msgpack header to the request.